Labels:newspaper | person OCR: Create Innovative Web Graphics That Wow Tap into the powerful combo of Photoshop and ImageReady! Wouldn't it be great fyou could Lave two f the worid's using Photoshop and ite companion program ImageReady most accomplished Photoshop anc Wet design experts Whether it speeding up you workflow site you're given the making a sitting next to you at you compute as you navisato the modular home page for game infinite possibilities of Adobe Photoshop and ImageReady tools stago of the creative process in order to How Wow: Photoshop for the Web the next best learm How to thing Two Photoshop and maeeReady powerhouses -Jar This book begins with the essentials o Wel site Kabili anc Colin Smith -both renowned authors, graphic navigation, teaching Vou skills for building, slicing designers and trainers h ...